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The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants hope, joy, and strength to children with critical illnesses. Chi Omega has been partnered with Make-A-Wish since 2002 and our chapter has the honor of helping grant a child’s wish. The average cost to grant a wish is $10,000 and we have the opportunity to raise funds throughout each semester to reach our goal. During this time we host Wish Week, which is a week-long fundraiser with a special event planned by our Philanthropy Chair. All proceeds raised throughout the semester go towards granting a child’s wish.

Nationally, Chi Omega focuses a majority of its philanthropic efforts towards the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation was established to grant wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions. Make-A-Wish is the largest wish-granting organization in the world, with the most common wish being a trip to Disney World.

Our chapter has the opportunity to partner with Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana. Through this partnership, we are given one wish kid each semester from East TX to raise money and help grant their wish. Most times, we have the ability to meet our wish kids and their families, which allows us to create a very special bond with them. Having this personal connection with our wish kid makes granting their wish so much more special every semester!

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